So, can you keep a raccoon as a pet? Opinions differ, and in many states it is illegal to own raccoons because they belong to the typical category of exotic animals due to the rarity with which they are kept as pets. However, in some states, like Michigan, you can keep a raccoon as a pet as long as it meets two conditions: the raccoon`s ownership must be approved by a veterinarian and the owner must have a wildlife license. Before you even consider getting a raccoon, you need to make sure it`s legal in your state. In many states, it is illegal to keep raccoons as pets. In states where the possession of a raccoon is allowed, a wildlife permit is generally required. Raccoons are wild animals; It is illegal to keep them in many states. States that allow raccoons as pets usually require permits. Laws and licensing requirements change, so check your state`s regulations before buying a raccoon. Owning raccoons requires patience and time.
In captivity and with good care, they can live up to 20 years. While domesticated raccoons are illegal in most states (especially the wild raccoons you`re trying to domesticate), that doesn`t mean you can`t and shouldn`t own raccoons. It is legal to possess a raccoon in the following states: They can also be infested with many other parasites, including fleas, ticks, and lice. Finding proper veterinary care for your raccoon can be just as difficult as raising properly. Most veterinarians have no experience in treating raccoons. It`s also illegal to sterilize raccoons in Texas, so if your furry friend escapes, you could end up with a whole litter to take care of. In states where raccoon ownership is legal, those looking for a raccoon should follow additional regulations to own a raccoon. For example, in North Carolina, a veterinarian must approve the animal before it is taken to the state. In Arkansas, a person cannot own more than five at a time. Keep in mind that it is important to check state and local laws before buying an exotic animal. Raccoons love to explore their surroundings, so it`s important to provide them with a spacious place. If you live indoors, a large dog box with plenty of space will work well for the raccoon in the short term.
While some allow the possession of a raccoon, the majority of states consider it illegal. Only 14 out of 50 states allow you to keep a raccoon as a pet. These conditions are as follows: Can I own a raccoon? How can I legally own a raccoon? Raccoons are considered exotic animals and therefore have separate laws regarding their ownership. If it turns out that owning a raccoon is legal in your area, be sure to think carefully about the idea before making a decision. Raccoons, unlike dogs and cats, are not domesticated. As they mature in reproduction, they may adopt hormonal patterns of behavior, including territoriality-driven ferocity. Mature raccoons can wreak havoc on the inside of homes. Adult men are generally more problematic and dangerous than women.
Always consider safety when making decisions. Think about your safety, the safety of others around you and the well-being of the wild animal. A juvenile raccoon may seem cuddly. It is quite the opposite. Raccoons need an outdoor pen where they can play and where they can be confined if they cannot be supervised. The enclosure must have a secure roof. Check state and local laws for additional housing requirements. Pet ownership is common in the United States.
However, pets vary from dogs to cats, lizards, fish, hamsters and many other animal species. Most of these animals are domesticated and easy to care for without their owners having to worry about harming them or damaging their property. When it comes to unique situations where people take a wild animal from their home to let it live next to them as a pet, things get a little more complicated. Raccoons are illegal in most states, not only because of the unethical nature of owning an exotic animal, but also for the welfare of the public. And is it legal to own something as exotic as a raccoon? It may sound strange to some, but there are many people who want to own a raccoon or already own one. The legality of owning a raccoon depends on exactly where you live. Keeping a raccoon is strictly illegal in many states, including but not limited to New York, Tennessee, Colorado, Illinois, and Kentucky. If you live in an area where the possession of raccoons is prohibited, you are not allowed to spot a raccoon in the wild, bring it home and care for it. However, if you`re passionate about owning a raccoon, find out if you`re allowed to do so by calling law enforcement in your area. If you want to own a raccoon, there are a few things you should know about them. They can be very similar to a puppy or ferret: affectionate and playful. They are very intelligent animals and have good memory and problem-solving skills.
The appearance of the raccoon leads people to ignore the characteristics of the animal. They will always be a wild animal, and many are very opposed to raccoon adoption. It`s important to put the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors before raccoons, and this is done by taking care of them responsibly. People believe that this is unethical since wild animals should be outdoors in their natural habitat, it is also known that few veterinarians work with raccoons and they can also transmit all kinds of diseases (raccoon feces can contain roundworms, which is infectious even to humans). People who owned a raccoon when laws prohibiting its possession were enacted can keep the property. In Maryland, for example, people who owned a raccoon before May 31, 2006, were allowed to keep it if the owners informed local animal control that they owned the animals. Instead, call a humane animal inspection service to pick them up. And if you live in Austin, contact Critter Ridder or call us at 512-363-8070 to get the raccoon out of your property humanely. You want to make your home child-resistant and set up a litter box. Like children, raccoons are curious, playful and destructive, so prepare your home accordingly and play with them accordingly. Failure to obtain proper permits may result in a fine and confiscation of your pet.
In addition, many veterinarians do not treat raccoons without the necessary permits, as this can compromise their license to practice medicine. An exception is that these wild animals are not kept as pets, but as show or teaching animals. Raccoons are protected by law. Catching raccoons requires a license from the State Department of Environmental Conservation. Before hiring a licensed trapper, homeowners should eliminate any food or shelter that attracts raccoons to their property. For more information on how to keep raccoons away from your home and property, check out this printable tip sheet from NYC Health. If you find stray raccoons on your property or worry about an injured raccoon you found nearby, don`t be tempted to keep those raccoons as pets. They love to climb, explore and can be destructive. This shouldn`t be too surprising if you find that they eat your couch and spill ornaments.