Wirkung Von Legal Highs

Legal highs are made up of waste from pharmaceutical research! The side effects are no less dangerous than those of the «original drugs». They are even more dangerous. There is no information about what is actually in the herbal mixture. AOK-Bundesverband: Herbal mix, bath salts, cleaners: legal highs are illegal and dangerous The effect of most substances has never been tested in controlled human studies – unlike drugs. The possible side effects and the consequent damage are therefore diverse and unpredictable. Due to the overall activating effect of stimulants, immediate side effects include tachycardia, sweating and indigestion. Overdoses can lead to aggressive behavior, impaired consciousness, and psychotic experiences such as delusions. Another problem is the frequent lack of a list of active ingredients on the packaging. As a result, you can never know exactly which active ingredient you are taking in which concentration. The health risk is therefore incalculable, as the effect, side effects and long-term risks of mostly unexplored substances cannot be assessed.

The composition of a product`s active ingredient is also frequently changed by the manufacturer over time. Thus, with repeated consumption of a certain product, the same dosage and the usual effect are not to be expected. In addition, there may be a settlement of the active ingredients in the packaging (accumulation of a «sediment»). This explains a not uncommon phenomenon associated with the consumption of «legal highs»: the consumer undergoes a pleasant intoxication a few times and then when consuming the remaining amount in the packaging (for the same amount consumed) an overdose with very unpleasant side effects. Coloured packaging and exotic names are intended to hide the fact that they are only illegal drugs with a corresponding effect. Young people in particular are often victims of this fraud. The semi-legality of legal highs is usually based on the fact that almost nothing is known about the substances and their intended use is concealed. So we must not fall into the misconception that something legal is harmless, because in fact, there are several deaths every year in connection with legal highs. «Legal highs» or «new psychoactive substances» (NPS) are synthetically produced synthetic drugs that primarily mimic the effects of illicit drugs. In their chemical composition, NPS are modified against illegal drugs such as crystal meth in such a way that they do not initially fall under the prohibited substances listed in the Narcotic Control Act (BtMG).

However, their use is neither legal nor harmless. A particular risk is that neither the exact mode of action nor the long-term consequences of most NPS are known. Until 2016, only substances listed in the Narcotic Control Act (BtMG) were prohibited by law. A «game of cat and mouse» took place: manufacturers put new psychoactive substances on the market, which were first analyzed by the legislator and then banned. However, minor changes in the chemical structure of their products allowed manufacturers to circumvent legal bans for some time and spread other, seemingly legal, NPS. The range of potential side effects is wide: tachycardia, circulatory problems, shortness of breath, dry mouth, nausea, seizures and panic attacks are among them. Cannabinoids are among the most dangerous and difficult NPS to measure. In a targeted manner, the chemical structures of known drugs are repeatedly converted and new products are created. Due to this ongoing process, no list can be made for these legal drugs. In principle, however, there are five main groups of legal highs: The website legal-high-inhaltsstoffe.de gives an overview of the active ingredients contained in some legal highs, but these may change over time. Information on the packaging of legal highs is generally not reliable.

Can I buy an MPU legally? If yes, what is the price of a positive MPU ratio when buying? How does the medical-psychological examination really work? You will find the answers to these questions in the following article. «Legal highs» or «new psychoactive substances» are synthetic drugs that usually mimic the effects of illicit drugs. Read here about the health risks posed by legal highs and how the new law on psychoactive substances is taking action against the trade in these substances. If an active ingredient or plant gains popularity, it is usually only a matter of time before it is included in the schedules of the Narcotic Control Act and therefore becomes illegal. The ingredients of a Legal Highs brand can change quickly as a result. In addition, the content information on the packaging of legal highs is not subject to controls, so it can also be deliberately misleading. In some major legal brands, no active ingredient has been found (snake oil). In 2015, the Federal Criminal Police Office recorded more than 100 cases in which people had to receive medical care due to the consumption of legal highs, such as bath salts or herbal mixtures. Typical are the following side effects of products: Since new substances are constantly being developed, a user of synthetic drugs has no chance of knowing what is contained in the drugs he is taking.

In addition, a small change to a known drug – and often is – can produce a completely new drug that has completely different effects. As a result, consumers are unable to predict the health effects of the substances they are experimenting with. In our guide, we take a close look at the phenomenon of «legal highs». We inform you why legal intoxicants are not exactly what they disguise themselves: legal. There is hardly a teenager who does not even secretly try drugs. The trend is moving away from ecstasy and crystal to synthetic substitute drugs. These synthetic substances can be purchased freely on the Internet as «legal highs» (= legal intoxicants). They are summarized as «new psychoactive substances» (NPS).

Often, the individual components of these mixtures are understudied synthetic drugs, they are mainly chemical derivatives of illegal drugs, which have a similar effect. However, almost nothing is known about their exact mode of action, correct dosage and possible additional complications, which is why the risk of consumption cannot be estimated and you should always have a tripsitter with you. Direct side effects of hallucinogens include tachycardia, light sensitivity, and mood swings. Possible consequences are also from delusions and anxiety attacks («horror trips») to drug-induced psychosis, in which those affected lose touch with reality. Important to know: The therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis remain unclear and require further study. In addition, significant side effects can also occur with medical cannabis. Therefore, like any drug, it should be taken only after careful consideration of the pros and cons. «Legal High» means «legal drunkenness».

These drugs are artificial versions of illegal drugs that have been easily chemically modified. In this way, manufacturers try to circumvent the criminal provisions for illegal drugs and give users the impression that the substances they offer are supposed to be legal. In addition to «legal highs» or «designer drugs,» substances are also referred to as «herbal highs» or «research chemicals.» They are sold under names that deliberately obscure their real purpose – such as «spices», «herbal blends», «smoking mixes», «plant fertilizer», «room air freshener», «cleaner» or «bath salts». As new substances are constantly being introduced on the market and the composition of products is not clearly stated, the extent of acute side effects and long-term harm has not yet been well studied. However, the following health issues have often been observed by NPS users: «What makes you high and legal?» with these search queries and the like, young people in particular enjoy browsing the internet. They quickly meet dealers who advertise with legal euphoria. But supposedly legal psychoactive substances are generally similar to banned substances. For example, a legal high can be structured in its chemical composition as speed.

Hallucinogens are also called psychedelics. Probably the most well-known illegal hallucinogen is LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). Many NPS are also hallucinogenic. Hallucinogens influence perception, alter sensory impressions, stimulate the imagination and can cause sensory illusions. Until the end of 2016, the legislator could only ban new medicines within the framework of the Narcotics Act (BtMG) or the Medicines Act (AMG). The problem was that, for each new synthetic drug, a separate prohibition procedure had to be initiated and enforced, which took some time. In the meantime – that is, until a new drug was banned – production, sale, possession and consumption were not explicitly legalized, but at least they were not punishable.

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